Tagged: Ubuntu Os

What Is Hydra? | Explain | Kali Linux

What Is Hydra??? Hydra: Hydra is a very outstanding and regarded organize logon cracker (password splitting device) which can bolster a wide range of administrations. (Comparative ventures and apparatuses incorporate...

Botnets Attack | Explain |

Blogger: Instagram: lucifer_man_ Botnets:- Definition: Botnet attack is of a propelled sort whereby the assaulted PC framework turns into an attacker itself. This causes genuine worries in the IT world...

Tor Browser | Explain | Definition|

Tor Browser The TOR (the onion steering) program is an internet browser intended for mysterious web surfing and insurance against traffic examination. Despite the fact that Tor is frequently connected...

Steganography | What does Steganography mean? | In Hindi

Steganography- What Does Steganography mean? Definition: Steganography Data के भीतर छिपा डेटा है। Stegnography एक Encryption technique है जिसका उपयोग Cryptography के साथ-साथ एक अतिरिक्त-सुरक्षित विधि के रूप में किया...

Cryptography | In Hindi

Cryptography | Introduction to Crypto-terminologies Cryptography एक महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है जब हम Network Security से निपटते हैं। ‘Crypto’ का अर्थ है Secret या Hidden. Cryptography Data को Secret रखने के...

Fun With Terminal | Ubuntu |

Fun With Terminal: The Steam LocoMotive: Animated ASCII art steam locomotive in your terminal. You want this. You need this. To Install: sudo apt-get install sl To Run: sl Use...

Packet Loss Monitoring | Traceroute | In Hindi | Ubuntu

Traceroute: Packet loss Monitoring Traceroute एक नेटवर्क Diagnostic टूल है जिसका उपयोग दो स्थानों के बीच Network की जांच करने के लिए किया जाता है। Using Ubuntu: अधिकांश Linux Distribution...

How to Check System Configuration in Ubuntu in hindi

How to check system configuration in ubuntu in hindi जिस प्रकार हम Windows Operating System में System का Configuration चेक करते हे कि कोनसा OS install हे उस Os का...

How to Install and Remove Software in Ubuntu 16.04 in Hindi

How to install and remove software in ubuntu 16-04 in hindi जिस प्रकार हम Windows OS में Control Panel में Add/Removed प्रोग्राम में इनस्टॉल किये हुए  Software कि लिस्ट एक...